We're committed to a clean and safe facility.
About the LJHCC
As a young man Larry Joe Harless vowed that when he grew up and made some money he would come back to his hometown and build something for the youth in Gilbert.
​Larry Joe passed away in 1995. In his honor, his father and mother, James H. "Buck" and June Harless, contributed the construction cost of the 55,000 square foot building, which became the Community Center. This allowed the LJHCC Foundation to utilize the money raised through donations and contributions from the community for the operating cost of the Center.
​Sadly June Harless passed away in April 1999 just prior to the opening of the LJHCC.
The Larry Joe Harless Community Center has become an integral part of the community at large.

James H. "Buck" Harless
Judith Ann Burgess
James Brick, MD

Andy Dillon
Bruce Burgess
Dan Moore
John Brick, MD
Fred Harless
Clayton Cline
Paul Pinson
Cody Houck
Justin Brown

Sharon Murphy, President
Ray McKinney, Vice President
Bruce Burgess, Secretary
Jim Thornsburg, Treasurer

Quinn Miller
Mildred Twardy​
Foundation for the Tri-State
Community, Inc.
James H. Harless Foundation
Judy (sister), Larry Joe Harless, June Harless, Buck Harless